The only 100% composting toilets on the market

Choosing a composting toilet

Based on feedback from many users, we have compiled a list of things you should look out for when buying a composting toilet to ensure you get the right one for your own use.

Needs of use

Do you want to place the toilet outside or inside? What additional features do you want from the toilet if you place it indoors?

Hygiene and odorlessness

Is the use and maintenance of the composting toilet odorless? Are surfaces easy to keep clean? Can the indoor composting toilet be emptied and serviced outside?

Ease of use

Need for additivesDoes the toilet need constant use of additives or does it also work without them?

Frequency of emptyingHow often should the composting toilet be emptied: once a year, once a month or even more often?

ReliabilityCan misplaced waste hamper the operation of a dry toilet? Does the appliance contain parts that can easily clog or jam during use?

Need for post-compostingIs the composted soil ready and odorless, or is separate post-composting needed?

Comfort of use

Does the toilet require constant use of additives? Can you also urinate standing up or only sitting down? Is it possible to use a hand shower with the toilet? How pleasant is it to empty the toilet?

Environmental friendliness

Does a composting toilet need electricity to work? What materials is the toilet made of? How long will the toilet last? Does the liquid coming out of the composting outlet need any special treatment? Does the toilet release substances into the environment that do not belong there or are harmful?

Amount of use

How much is the toilet going to be used? Is the toilet also used in winter?

Ease of installation

How easy is the installation of the toilet and the outhouse? Does the installation of the composting toilet require a qualified electrician or plumber?

My preferences

Can the toilet be adapted to your needs? Is there anything else that is important to you in addition to these features?